Sunday, June 29, 2014

Actually learned something on Facebook and it worked!!

You always see the Forward this post, watch this video or some crazy survey that lets you know what Sesame Street character you are most like. Which I am Abby Cadabby of course, who didn't know this already!!

But I did come across one interesting story that was labeled "How to Ease Migraines".  And of course this caught my eye since I suffer from them and most of the women in my family have them too.  Seems that my son has been cursed with the lovely gene as well UGH.   

When you have your head on edge of exploding at any moment find a sink where you have enough room to sit on the edge of it so you are able to submerse both your hands and feet.   You can also use your bathtub as well just make sure you sit on the edge and not inside of the tub. Make sure you also have an icepack with you as well.

Stop up the drain and fill the area with hot water, hot enough that you can stand it without burning the layers of your skin off.  That will have to be a whole other post.  As your sink/tub fill up place your feet in the water than just before it gets to full and overflows turn the water off, place the icepack on the base of your neck and then submerge your free hand in the water.    From here I normally rest my head on knee, close my eyes and sometimes if I am lucky I can fall asleep for a few minutes.

The time for getting out of the water is really up to that person. Words of advise, once you have removed the icepack and raised your head from being lowered take a moment or two to gather your stability before standing.  I am usually a little dizzy from this for a moment of two.

From what I have researched (other than Facebook) the reason for doing this method is because this  lowers the blood pressure from your head (icepack) and brings the blood down to your arms and legs (hot water).  This is also explains the dizziness when first removing the icepack.

I swear by this!!  I have done this 4 different times and each time it has worked and I no longer had the migraine for the day!!.  Now I am no Doctor or Medical Professional but I am a Migraine Suffer and wanted to pass this info to you.

I hope this helps!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Survey's Survey's Survey's

I am trying to get started on reviewing items from companies that are sent to me by mail.  Who would have known that you have to go through 1000 surveys before getting 1 roll of TP(TP for my bunhole). OK maybe not 1000 and I am not trying to review TP though I would if it was sent. It is interesting that they send items in the mail for you to try and give feedback good bad or the ugly.

But since I am just starting I have to get though the initial questions which seem to go on and on. One of these days I will finish all these surveys and I will come home to a pile of items on my front step.  It will be like Christmas, which is 6 months away!! UGH.

Well I am going to answer 1 more survey before hitting the bed.  Gotta work tomorrow can not rely on this Reviewing Job just yet :)

Thanks for reading and sharing with me, my Multiple Minds.

Monday, June 23, 2014

A magical closet

Im sure every chick goes through this, standing at your closet and staring at it as if every night the clothes fair brings a new wardrobe.
Oh to be rich and have a rotating closet that only rotates new clothes in & old clothes out.
#wishfullthinking  #backtostareatthecloset

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Holy Hot Outside felt like melted butter

Dev had his final game of his All Stars baseball this morning.  And if you know Florida weather, it feels ok first thing in the morning.  But within 15 mins its like someone turned the Giant Oven Heater on.  I am trying to take pictures of Deven and his teammates with the new "Big Girl Camera" with sweat rolling down my face and getting itself between my eyes and glasses. That is always a great feeling with your eyes. With just learning the camera, I thought for sure I would have dropped it since my hands were sweaty.  But thank goodness the death grip I had on it worked. My kids know that death grip all to well.

I wish there was some type of product that would keep you cool in situations like this.  I know how hot I was and I had a tank top with shorts on.  The poor boys had their baseball uniforms on and not to even mention the catcher that is padded up like a beast. I know there are these "Magical" towels that with just submerging them in water and a quick snap its supposed to be cool to the touch.  I have never personally used them nor do I know anyone who has them.  Can't they invent something in the sunblock that we use daily, or should, that once it is on your skin it keeps you cool while on there. But I am pretty sure there will be to many chemicals of some sort and then may burn our skin completely off. 

But for now I guess my kids will have to deal with their mom looking like a sweaty hot beast or enjoy the look of a Giant Sunhat with an industrial size fan and mister attached to it.

~~~Drink Plenty of Water.

Still trying to figure out how to do this Blog thing

Who would have known that trying to figure out if your Blog is being post correctly or if you are even setting it up right would be so hard.  Thank goodness for YouTube though.  Everything on there to "How to look like Barbie" to "Set up your blog"  

Guess I should read more and do more.  Trying to also get my blog started so I can be a "reviewer" for some companies.

And off to learn more..  

Thursday, June 12, 2014

To tired for anything

Seems like some days are better than others. But I wish I had half the energy of my 5 and 9 yr combined

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Life of a 5 yr old pretending to be older is to much for me. I like to think of my mini-little will always be the cute little baby. I am so not looking forward to the real makeup days, dating, brake ups and good lord puberty. If I live or if she lives to make it there better have a padded room ready